“A Little Babe”
“And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews’ children.” – Exodus 2:6
A babe was found on a river’s edge and the child began to weep.
A heart was moved in a royal house and a nurse was assigned its keep.
That little babe had a destiny for God had designed its role.
A perfect plan was accomplished for God was in control.
The babe was placed in an ark and shielded out of sight.
The babe was known of God and protected by His might.
Pharaoh would not find him though his threat was very real.
The babe would be protected, as the Bible does reveal.
A tear moved a woman; A child received a home.
A leader led a Nation; Egyptians were made to moan.
A promise found fruition; There was a promised land.
Israel left Egypt’s bondage; Their suffering soon would end.
God’s eyes are on His people and like Moses, as we’re shown.
They’re left beside the river without care and all alone.
The Sovereign hand is working and a future still is planned.
Though enemies may threaten; We still will reach the land.
God’s people are His children for they too have been made free.
They’re saved from Satan’s bondage and the promised land, they’ll see.
Their leader is not Moses with the rod found in his hand.
Not Law but Grace our Banner for upon The Rock we stand.
Chuck Peters – 9/21/2021
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