“His Arms”
“Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.” – Mark 10:15-16
Jesus once sheltered the children in His arms! We are not aware of their ages but we can assume that each of them was certainly living after the Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection. Imagine the testimonies of the children after the Lord’s ascension back to glory. They could talk about being held in the arms of God! Imagine also, in the case of the children who embraced the Lord in salvation, the children talking to the Lord in glory and reminiscing about the time on earth when the Lord of Glory cradled them in His arms!
Today we live in a cruel and cold world that is filled with lonely, unloved people. The streets of our cities know many precious children who know nothing about the loving arms of caring parents. Many of the children live with one parent for many have never had the privilege of the duel love of both parents. Many have simply been abandoned. How many of you can remember the love and security of your Mother’s arms and your Father’s arms? The “arms” represent strength, security, and love.
The remedy for loneliness and despair is found in the Arms of Jesus and the access route into those precious arms is by grace and through faith. Salvation is available to the sinner who humbles down with“child like” humility and they, too, as a little child, find themselves cradled in the arms of God! Once in those loving and mighty arms, they find also arms that are everlasting. “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.” – Deuteronomy 33:27
“He blessed the little children; in His arms they knew His love.
Their childlike faith did trust the One sent down from God above.
The welcome in His gentle smile had set their minds at ease.
They knew for sure that they were safe upon the Saviour’s knees.
I too am sheltered in His arms and safe for evermore.
I’ve refuge in those loving arms my soul is now secure.
His outstretched arms once bid me “come” and know for sure His peace.
A childlike faith did draw me to my blessed Saviour’s reach.”
Chuck Peters 9/5/21
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