Let’s Be Clear
I cringe anymore when I hear a politician say, “Let’s be clear,” for more times than not they are about to tell the lie of the century. They usually mean by their statement that they want to be clear that they are not clear! I am glad to be an “old codger” in that I have lived long enough to be able to make a fair comparison between reality and insanity.
I am very thankful for the elements of my background which have resulted in my worldview and perspective on life. I am from a generation that reaps the good qualities of the previous, “Great Generation,” which had qualities of great nationalist pride and affinity towards historical American values. I grew up in a poor hardworking family which fit the tradition of practicing common sense and plain old down to earth decency and moral life. Yes, my family background was far from being perfect. I was not raised in a Christian home but basic bedrocks of true, historical American culture, were instilled into my way of thinking. Honesty, hard work, and right behavior were expected and discipline was applied when these principles were violated. This was the kind of America that I was introduced to in my upbringing.
I was taught to speak the truth and mean what I said. My life and direction in life was really changed when I accepted Christ as my Saviour in 1968. The Bible and its great truths would then constitute the standards for my life’s purpose and, today, I am both humbled and blessed to testify to 55 years of preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!
I would mention that I am very thankful to have worn the uniform of an American Marine and Soldier for 28 years. The Military taught me discipline, respect of the Constitution, and greater love of Country. I served as an Army Chaplain for the final years of my Military career and the Army Chaplain logo is, “God and Country.” It was a joy to serve and love God first and to serve and love my Country as well. “God and Country” to me, meant preaching the Gospel, winning souls to Christ, and loving my Country in the process. I can truly say that I flew out of Pope Airforce Base with both sadness and pride. I was sad to leave my wife behind, but filled with deep emotions for the privilege to go to war to defend a Country I had been taught to love.
I think of the words of the Psalmist. He writes, “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;” – Psalm 107:2 We should be clear concerning our redemption and we should be willing to stand and make it known. I do not know about you but I am sick and tired of wokeism and mealy-mouthed people who will not “cut to the chase” and tell it like it is. We need to be willing to “say so” if it “is so”! By the way, the reason why many will not “say so” is because, to them, it really is not so. We cannot say we are redeemed if we are not and we cannot say that we love America if we do not!
I want to be clear and “say so” to all of you right now. I am redeemed and love God! I am an American and love America! I believe the Bible and I support Israel! I believe in the traditional family and that male and female constitute the two genders. I believe that God created man and woman and instituted marriage between these two different sexes. I believe in moral living, capital punishment, sovereign borders, hard work, and “being clear” about who we are and what we believe. – Chuck Peters 11/19/2023
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